Gender, Sexuality and Communication Section
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Aiming to bridge the gap between communication and gender studies, this section welcomes interdisciplinary approaches that combine a focus on gender with media research, namely media production, content and textual analysis of media texts and media use and/or reception. We advocate the conceptualisation of gender in a broad sense, seeking inclusivity of issues such as ethnicity, identity politics, queer studies, media industries, feminist media studies, popular culture studies, masculinities and theoretical issues.

Mission Statement
The Section Gender, Sexuality and Communication aims to bring together scholars who approach issues within the field of communication with a specific interest in gender. Gender is conceptualized in a broad sense.
The section specifically seeks inclusivity in relation to gender studies issues (among which: ethnicity, identity politics, queer studies, gender in media industries, feminist media studies, popular culture studies, masculinities and theoretical issues). The section intends to take a critical approach in bridging the gap between communication and gender studies.
We welcome interdisciplinary approaches and innovative studies in all areas of media and communication research: media production, media texts and media use and/or reception. Questions of gender within the field of communication and media can be approached at theoretical, methodological and/or empirical level.
The section is committed to transcending boundaries between academia and professional praxis, welcoming members from various backgrounds and institutional contexts. Additionally, the section offers a platform for dialogue and network possibilities.
The Section Gender, Sexuality and Communication adheres to the broader objectives of ECREA: stimulating research on European matters, the bringing together of scholars from different European countries working in the field, providing a platform for interchange and comparative work, supporting the work of junior scholars.
The section aims to organise section panels at ECREA Conferences and to a larger extent at other international conferences. Furthermore, the section seeks to stimulate European scholarship in media and communication studies with a gender perspective.
Management Team

Núria Araüna Baro
Núria Araüna is a lecturer and researcher at Rovira i Virgili University (Spain). Her current research focuses on adolescents’ audiovisual produsage on social networking sites, gender relationships and popular feminism online. Besides, she is working on the representation of social memory and feminist documentary.

Greta Gober
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Warshaw
Research interests: organisational culture, communication and gendered power relations and identities, particularly in the media industry.
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Communication Team

Elisa Paz Pérez

Aleka Stamatiadi